Hypnobirthing: A mom’s experience of unmedicated natural delivery | Amber

As my fourth year as a professional birth photographer races by, and another exciting, baby-filled year looms on the horizon, I find myself thinking back to some of the highlights of my career. Baby Wyat’s hypnobirth immediately came to mind… Here is Amber’s incredible story:

I was called to the hospital when Amber was reaching the stronger of her surges. Her labour progressed beautifully at home, and she was well on her way to an uncomplicated delivery.

On my arrival, Amber had her ear phones in, playing her relaxation music from her hypnobirthing class. Her partner was right by her side through each of her surges, in what appeared to be the most natural and calming dance between a deeply connected couple, who were working closely together to birth their second son.

Amber’s relays that her first birth felt like some kind of outer-body experience. Of course, she realises that this vast difference might be because it was her first birth, and she had no prior experience to what birthing a child was supposed to be like.

“With hypnobirthing, it was an inner-body experience”, says Amber about her second birth. She was alert all the time. She knew exactly what was going on the whole time. Feeling her entire body as it progressed from surge to surge.

Amber made a list of what she wanted for her birth (something you do in your classes):

  • To begin labor naturally.

  • To stand and give birth.

  • To be present during her labour and birth.

  • To have an experience without fear.

With this list in hand, along with her strong desire to birth naturally, Amber felt armed with the information to achieve what she had set out to.

“Hypnobirthing doesn’t give you the ability to not hypnotise yourself, but rather to manage the contractions you are feeling”, says Amber. “As you go through the different stages of labour, you are very clear on what should feel right to your body. The body knows what it needs and the mind knows what the body needs. And together they work together to the highest good for your labour and your child.”

How incredible it was to witness this power shift in a labouring mom!

To this day, Amber (and me!) remains in awe of her hypnobirthing experience, and recommends that every woman who plans to have a natural delivery try it. More importantly, she wishes that all expecting mothers can experience birth without fear.

If you would like to find out more about hypnobirthing specifically in South Africa, please have a look at Beautifully Born’s website, or email Kim at kim@beautifullyborn.co.za 


Why I chose Birth Photography


My image of the month | September 2020